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Eagle Eye Consultant Private Limited

Eagle Eye Consultant Private Limited


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The Insurance Companies have to manage a wide network of their clients through the diligent support of their esteemed workmen and also the private investigators who play a pivotal role in sorting out the investigative design of the companies. Hence, dedicated, dutiful and dynamic investigators are needed to reduce the burden of the insurance companies.
Though the difficulties in performing the most important aspect of the investigation area, we have established ourselves with load of professionals and experienced, young and active personnel who are bent upon to perform using their skills, as trained, and obtain the desired result. A generous atmosphere has been created and the vital aptitude has been provided to the investigative team.
We are fully aware with the importance of the investigations for our clients which includes both insurers and insured consequently; our investigations and reporting are comprehensively descriptive with the main objective to obtain the clear and convincing evidence. Indeed our reports are concluded with hard evidences; our tactical execution plan of investigations is including factual photography, scene mapping, crash scene analysis/diagrams in all kinds of accidental cases and obtained the concrete statements of the witnesses to identify the genuine claims for legal court decisions.
EECPL is equipped with experienced investigators that are capable of representing the standard investigation plans and tackle the complex investigations globally. We adapted the best practice guide to tackle the growing problem of Insurance fraud and show you the steps you can take to make it harder for bogus claimants to succeed and also suggest ways to fabricate a claim with increasing your protection. If you are suspicious about a claim, we are always standing by your side to establish the circumstances of the claim. For further details about how EECPL can help your insurance organization or insured, please contact us on contact@eagleeyeconsultant.com accordingly.


The Insurance Companies have to manage a wide network of their clients through the diligent support of their esteemed workmen and also the private investigators who play a pivotal role in sorting out the investigative design of the companies. Hence, dedicated, dutiful and dynamic investigators are needed to reduce the burden of the insurance companies.
Though the difficulties in performing the most important aspect of the investigation area, we have established ourselves...

Contact Us

​ Eagle Eye Consultant Private Limited 1st Floor, Kurshella Complex, Behind Bengal Drycleaners, Station Road, B. Deoghar, Jharkhand-814112
7250 388 692
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